Thursday 18 September 2014

Autumn Beauty Favourites

In autumn my skin and hair always get super dry and I have some beauty essentials that I always need to have. Today was one of those days where I just wanted to take care of myself some extra and these were the things I included in my little "spa" session.

 My favourite body lotion from Victoria's Secret, a handcream, day (and night cream), the bubblegum lipscrub from Lush (my favourite), body scrub, Moroccan Argan hair oil, Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit face scrub and my favourite EOS lipbalms.

Body Lotion- I LOVE this body lotion from Victoria's Secret. They are available almost everywhere now, especially online. You can get them at Ebay or Amazon for example. The Mango Temptation scent is one of my favourite scents from VS. It seriously smells like candy on your skin after applying it and it's long lasting.

Handcream- Handcreams are a MUST for me in autumn and winter. My hands get insanely dry if I don't take care of them enough. This berry scent is perfect for summer and autumn. In winter I like to go with something more "dark" such as my chocolate/kiwi or chocolate/banana one.

Day and Night cream- I hate putting "normal" body lotion on my face, as it is for BODY haha. I love every morning after shower or every evening after cleansing my face to put a day or night cream one. The one on the picture is my day cream and I really like it. I haven't used it for that long but it helps keeping my skin hydrated.

Lipscrub- I can't say anything bad about this product from Lush. I love the smell of it, how it works, the look of it.. yeah everything. It's my lifesaver for my lips. Not only in the atumn but every season. It lasts a long time and it's a great price.

Body Scrub- I love getting in the shower and put body scrub on my body. It makes me feel so clean, fresh and a bonus is when it smells really good which mine does with a scent of Appleblossom and lime. This body scrub is amazing. I love the size of the scrubs in it. They are super small and you don't need to take so much product to cover your entire body. I also always use this before shaving my legs. This is a limited edition so I don't know for how long you can still buy it here in Germany.

Hair Oil- I love putting hair oil in my hair right after washing my hair. My hair absorbs it even better when it's wet than dry. It leaves my hair super soft and silky everytime my hair dries. My hair gets dry and frizzy super fast and it really sucks but hair oil helps my hair to be moisturized for longer.

Face Scrub- I adore this product so much. I have probably used up 4-5 bottles in like 1,5 years. I love it so much and it's one of the best face products ever (according to me haha). I have however bought another face scrub from the same brand which is green (I cannot remember the scents of it right now) and I'm excited to try it out. I just need to finish the Pink Grapefruit first haha.

Lipbalms- EOS lipbalms are quite expensive here in Europe. In Sweden you could buy them for around 9-10 euro and I know that EOS lipbalms will come to Germany in October for about 6 euro (I think, don't quote me on that) and I'm super excited. I'm sad however that there will only be 4 different ones here and I've tried all of them except for one haha. But my favourites are Lemon Drop and Blueberry Acai. I have 3 other ones as well in my little EOS collection haha.

Those are my Autumn must have/favourites. I love every single product and they are all super important for me to survive the colder weather. What are your Autumn favourites or Must Haves?

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